Magic Book ppt template is on the top position at our web site. Many visitors have voted for it. It really has a magnificent picture of the master PowerPoint slide. There is a book with splash of very bright light coming out of it. The light looks very bright on the completely black background. The name is your presentation can be placed at the upper part of the master slide. You can use any color for the letters, but it is highly recommended to use the same color as the splash of the light from the book – something in between white and blue. As you can see a book, it is obvious that this Magic Book ppt template can be used in educational presentations. In fact we can say that any book is magical. It contains knowledge, somebody’s experience, thought and so on. Such sharing between people is very important because only in such a way people develop, learn and have the opportunity to make their lives better.
Master, Title and Print (+21 chart slides)
Infographics Presentation Set (2618 Slides)
Animated Infographic (610 Slides)
2402 02402 antique art backgrounds bible black book brown color design education expertise ideas inspiration intelligence light literary literature magic mystery objects old old-fashioned open page paper publication reading religion retro single spell spirituality spooky testaments text vector wisdom elearning e-learning poetry
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